Creatine benefits outside the gym

Creatine Benefits Outside the Gym You Need to Know

When the topic of creatine gets thrown around in conversations, the first thing you probably think of is the gym.

But did you know creatine has many benefits outside the gym?

It’s true.

Research shows that creatine may help short-term memory, intelligence, and reasoning, allowing you to feel more alert and focused. 

But that’s just one benefit of creatine outside the gym. This supplement is transformative, and there are many more benefits to taking creatine. Dive in with us today as we uncover everything you know about taking creatine for not working out. 

What is creatine monohydrate powder?

Creatine is a form of energy that plays a crucial role in muscle contraction and sustaining the health of organs. It helps your muscles function, especially while you are exercising. You can usually get creatine from your diet, especially protein-rich foods like fish, shellfish, red meat and animal milk. The rest of the time, your body makes creatine in your liver, pancreas and kidneys from amino acids such as arginine, glycine and methionine. 

Once synthesised, creatine is transported through the bloodstream to other tissues, mainly the skeletal muscle, where it’s converted to help the body produce ATP for energy, which is used to support important cellular processes. 

If you feel like your diet does not provide sufficient creatine, you might want to try creatine monohydrate powder.

What are creatine benefits outside the gym?

If you look up information about creatine online, you’ll see a lot of information about creatine-supporting workouts and the gym. The same goes for talking to others about creatine and its benefits. But, there are many creatine benefits beyond the gym, such as:  

Helps cognitive function 

Creatine can help increase cognitive function in different ways. Research shows that large doses of creatine supplements may help cognitive performance in the acutely sleep-deprived. Moreover, as mentioned above, creatine can help with memory and reasoning.

Supports mood 

If taken consistently, scientific research suggests that creatine can help reduce symptoms of depression and boost overall mood. The research shows that it can operate similar to a neurotransmitter in the brain, increasing mood and reducing symptoms of depression. However, more studies and research are needed to support this, and depending on creatine alone is not a sustainable solution for health. 

It provides an energy boost

Taking creatine can help increase the amount of phosphocreatine in the body, which helps regenerate ATP. With ATP being the prime energy carrier cell, you may find yourself physically and mentally more energised by taking creatine powder

Slows down the aging process

While more research is needed, it’s thought creatine can help support skin health and slow down the aging process. When you age, you lose intracellular water, which can increase your risk of frailty, saggy skin, and wrinkles. One of the major benefits seen in research with creatine is that it can help increase the amount of intracellular water content, keeping your skin looking plump, hydrated, and with less water. 

Support bone health 

Taking creatine might help support age-related changes, such as a reduction in bone mineral density and can increase the number of osteoblasts (cells involved in bone formation) in your body.

What to consider when taking creatine outside the gym

If you plan on taking creatine for your mind and body beyond the gym, you have to think about your dose and the times you take it. Similar to taking it when exercising, it's better to start with 3 grams as a maintenance dose and gradually increase it. 

A lot of research shows that taking creatine without working out is completely fine and that there are no adverse reactions. While generally, it's okay to take 3-5 grams per day, if you have an existing medical condition, it's best to speak to a doctor first before taking it. 

While creatine can be taken as a shot, it's best if it's mixed with water. Adding creatine to water can help for quicker absorption and promote hydration, supporting your overall well-being. Water is needed to draw creatine into your muscles. 

Can I take creatine? 

With many benefits associated with creatine, there’s no fixed rule regarding who can take it. Creatine is an inclusive supplement that can benefit many people 18 years old and above. Creatine can be taken by those who are:

  • Athletes: Creatine is beneficial for sports involving resistance training and endurance. It can help with muscle maintenance and sustain more extended periods of exertion. 

  • Elderly: Creatine may help fight sarcopenia (age-related muscle mass loss).

  • Those interested in enhancing their memory: Creatine may help if you’re interested in enhancing brain function and feeling less fatigued. 

Summing up creatine benefits outside the gym 

Overall, creatine can be a groundbreaking supplement inside and outside the gym. Creatine has many benefits for your body beyond the gym, like supporting mood and cognitive function, making you feel less fatigued, assisting with bone health, serving as an energy boost, and slowing down degenerative processes in your body.

If you’re interested in the benefits of creatine, why don’t you try ours at Go Nutrition? Go Nutrition Creatine is 100% premium-grade creatine monohydrate, unflavoured (it can be mixed with water or any shake), and can help muscle growth and repair, support brain health, and much more!

Still unsure and want to know more? Check our post and learn about creatine monohydrate powder and what it does.

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