5 Healthy habits to do everyday for better performance in 2025
If you were to summarise your training and performance for 2024 in one sentence, what would it be?
Hold that thought. Whatever it is, we’re confident that 2025 will see a lot of healthy habits for a better lifestyle and training.
While we’re still in January, we thought we’d share our insights into the healthy habits you should adopt every day to ensure your performance is the best on record.
What are habits for performance?
We’re quite confident you know what habits are, but do you know about performance habits? Performance habits involve a range of intentional and positive behaviours you constantly practice to achieve remarkable results in your training and life. Most of the time, these habits revolve around specific achievable goals that fit into a roadmap guiding your actions.
Performance habits are essential for developing your fitness, professional and personal life. They help you become more resilient, productive, and better at what you do overall.
If you’re looking for healthy habits everyday for a better lifestyle, then performance orientated ones are perfect for Go Getters like you and us to thrive.
5 Healthy habits to do everyday to enhance your performance
Now you have some background on what high performance habits are, let’s share some of our favourite ones to try out this year. Here are 5 healthy habits to do everyday in 2025:
1.Make time for mobility
As you age, your mobility levels decline, which means you face an increased risk of falls, injuries to the musculoskeletal system and lung function, and a loss of muscle mass. But not just that, as a hybrid athlete, mobility is crucial as it reduces your injury risk, muscle tightness, fatigue range of motion and recovery periods, thus playing a positive role in your performance.
Factoring in 15-30 minutes of mobility work each day can transform the way you train and perform. Warm-ups, cool-downs, and focused movements all count towards mobility. Mobility is different from stretching as it involves techniques that focus on the range of motion of muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. It emphasizes movement and function more than specific muscle groups.
Try this healthy habit: Mobility isn’t a one-size-fits-all aspect of fitness. Your mobility work should be tailored to your body and sport. To enhance your performance this year, dedicate 15-30 minutes daily to exercises that align with your training and sport. If you’re unsure of the right mobility techniques, look on YouTube; there are plenty of tutorials to follow!
2. Get your electrolytes in on workout days
We’re sure you know the benefits of staying hydrated, but how aware are you about maintaining your electrolyte levels? Adding electrolytes into your daily routine can enhance muscle contraction and function, reducing cramps and communication between muscles. Getting the right balance of electrolytes can also help fight fatigue and boost your energy levels in training.
Try this healthy habit: Add one scoop of our electrolyte blend into water when you work out. Replenishing your electrolyte levels can help you get essential nutrients in, stay hydrated, feel more energised and recover faster. Still want to know more? See our article-Learn everything you need to know about electrolytes.
3. Practice real recovery
If you've read a few of our other blogs, you've likely seen us emphasize just how important the role of recovery is. But we mean going beyond a good night's sleep and diet. If you want to level up your performance this year in 2025, you need to level up your recovery, too.
That means undergoing different methods and techniques to reduce the delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), reduce inflammation, boost your energy levels, and gain the best results.
Try these healthy habits: You don't necessarily need to make these habits a must every day, but integrating them into your recovery each week might mean doing them once, twice, or just whenever you have time.
Try to go for a massage once a week or use a massage gun to reduce DOMS. Again, if you want to reduce your DOMS and inflammation to make the most of workouts, taking sauna and steam followed by several ice baths 2-3 times a week, totalling 10-15 minutes, may also reduce your inflammatory response, helping you unlock new efforts in your performance.
4. Meditate when you can
While you can’t technically control everything, you need to always make an extra rep, time, or PB. You can make the most of your mental state, whatever your performance. Having peace of mind can allow you to recover at your optimal state and sometimes perform at your maximum intensity, too.
Taking time out between your workouts to practice mindful techniques may help you feel more focused and dialled into your training. While there are a ton of benefits associated with meditation, ones related to fitness are:
It helps lengthen your attention span, helping you feel more focused in training.
It may help reduce stress, helping you overcome those tense and gruelling sessions.
Deep breathing exercises can help lower heart rate, reduce muscle tension and improve relaxation.
Overall, though, meditation is one healthy habit for a better life that everyone should practice, regardless of training.
Try this healthy habit: You don’t need to spend all of your time meditating to support your performance. Simply slotting in 5-10 minutes every day can work wonders. There are many guided meditations you can try on YouTube, and apps like Headspace provide many free guided sessions. But whatever time you choose, be consistent and make it a daily habit.
5. Refuel properly
The fifth and final habit we recommend that you make a priority for 2025 is refuelling properly. While it’s not rocket science, there is a bigger science behind how you refuel for optimum outcomes in your training sessions and competitions.
A power-packed diet full of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and micro- and macronutrients is not the same for every athlete. It depends on your training, goals, and type of sport. Not to mention the timing after a session and beforehand.
Try this healthy habit: Look up the best nutrition strategies online to support your goals and get the help of a nutritionist or coach to level up your performance. After each exercise, always refuel 15-20 minutes afterwards so you don’t burn out. To learn more about sports nutrition, check out our post on Sports Nutrition for endurance athletes in Australia.
Healthy habits for a better life in 2025- Our final say
To be honest, we could go on for hours sharing all the healthy habits to do everyday for better performance this year, but we won’t. When setting goals and undergoing new healthy habits in Australia and beyond it’s better to stick to a few that are sustainable and follow the SMART principle. Make them:
(S): Specific
(M): Measurable
(A): Achievable
(R): Realistic
(T): Timebound
Don’t overwhelm yourself, stick to what’s practical for you and your training sessions!
Want to maximize your recovery further?
Try our Recovery Blend, formulated in accordance with proven scientific research. Packed with EEAs and BCAAs, it can help you take your training to the next level.